Beginner Class Cycle

The beginner class cycle consists of 4 sessions totaling 9 hours of class. These sessions happen over two weekends, on Saturdays and Sundays, and must be attended consecutively to complete the level.

However, completing the beginner module once does not guarantee eligibility to the advanced level. If a participant cannot demonstrate competency in the steps taught in the basic level, they may be required to complete a second iteration before being allowed to progress to the next level. More info on advanced level eligibility below.

Refunds & Missed Classes

We offer refunds or shifting to another batch for the beginner level only in the event that we are informed about a cancellation at least 24 hours before the batch begins, but you may transfer your entire batch registration to a friend if you you'll be missing the first or second class. Missing the first two classes in the beginner level might mean having to shift to later batch, for which there is a transfer fee of Rs. 800 to do so. We offer no refunds for Level 2 classes, read more below.

We also offer no refunds for One-day Workshops or Beginner Workshops held on Social Nights, or shifting to a later workshop, but you may give your workshop ticket to a friend if you can't make it.

Offers & Free Trial Classes

Discounts offered include an early bird discount and a partner/friend discount.

To avail the early bird offer, payment for an upcoming batch must be made via an online payment method at least 3 days prior to the starting date of the batch.

To avail the partner/friend offer, participants must sign up with a friend or partner and make payments via an online payment method at least 3 days prior to the starting date of the batch.

Trial classes are offered on a first-come-first-serve basis, and every batch has limited trial slots. Trial classes only happen in the first class of the batch. To book a trial slot, a minimal fee of Rs. 600 must be paid. If a participant is unhappy with the trial class they may request a full refund. If the participant would like to continue with the rest of the batch, the amount paid would be deducted from the batch fees, but no other offers will be applicable. If no trial slots are available, we do allow anyone interested to drop by and simply watch how the class is conducted. Alternatively, you could attend one of our social night workshops which have similar content in a short format class.

Do note that most of the time our batches run at capacity, and trial slots are sometimes booked above that capacity for the first class. In such a situation, if trial participants would like to continue in the same batch, they may only be accomodated if someone who has fully paid up drops out.

No refunds are offered if you miss the class. However, if you attend the class and dislike the experience we offer a full refund.

Advanced Level Eligibility

The 4-session beginner module is mandatory for eligibility to advanced levels. Aside from this, to gain or maintain eligibility to an advanced level after demonstrating competency in the beginner cycle students must
  • Attend their first advanced class within a month of completing the most recent beginner module
  • Regularly attend social dancing/practice sessions
  • Regularly attend advanced level classes
Failure to comply with the above may result in removal from the advanced level Whatsapp group.

Level 2 Structure

Advanced classes are drop-in, pay as you attend classes and content between classes is most often not connected. However, a slight discount is provided for attending 4 weeks of class in a row.

Attendance for the Sunday class will only be confirmed by poll link sent on Whatsapp, and finalised by making the payment (Rs. 600 for a 90 minute class, or Rs. 800 for a 2-hour class) on Thursday of that week . No refunds are offered; however, if we are informed of a cancellation between Thursday and Saturday afternoon, the attendance for that class may be rescheduled upto one time. However, any cancellations that happen 24 hours before the class will incur a cancellation fee of Rs. 200, and the remaining amount will be carried over to a future class.

Only those who mark themselves as "Yes" on the poll link and make their payment by Thursday night would be allowed to attend and additional signups will only be considered based on lead-follow ratio and studio capacity.